October 11, 2007

AfroSpear's Black Women in Europe Blog Gives First Freedom Technology Christmas (FTC) Present !

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When I first talked about the AfroSpear's Freedom Technology Christmas, I had no idea that I would be the first recipient of a Freedom Technology Christmas present. But Adrianne R. George of the Black Women in Europe Blog became aware that my lack of a webcam was preventing me from participating fully in AfroSpear meetings and dialogue, so she decided to have a webcam shipped to me, from a United States mail order company and all the way to Brazil!

Today, that webcam has arrived in Brazil and Adrianne R. George is officially and, for the sake of history, the first person in the world to give an AfroSpear Freedom Technology Christmas (FTC) present!

But, Adrianne R. George won't be the last, because we all recognize the role technology has played in the AfroSpear -- linking, coordinating and mobilizing Blacks in the 50 states, five countries and four continents -- to free Shaquanda Cotton, stop the execution of Kenneth Foster in Texas, and free Mychal D. Bell from prison in Jena, Louisiana.

The work of the AfroSpear has only started and Freedom Technology Christmas has only just gotten underway as well. We still have three months left to make this the best AfroSpear Freedom Technology Christmas that we've ever had, with more AfroSpear brothers and sisters linked together technologically in more ways than was ever dreamed possible just as few short decades ago.

So, celebrate Christmas, my kinfolk, and give the gift of AfroSpear Freedom Technology, including webcams, celular telephones with 7 Megapixel cameras, digital cameras, computers and audio headsets, and all sorts of Black communication tools to your brothers and sisters, to your children and parents!

The AfroSpear's Freedom Technology Christmas started today, with the gift of a webcam from Adrianne George of the Black Women in Europe blog. Thank you Adrianne and Merry AfroSpear Freedom Technology Christmas!

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